ade 1 hari lg je aq nk stay kt smenyih..will miss my home...sabak bernam??wat u guys think about dis place..iema ckp tmpt ni mmg pedlmn gler..xtau cmne my life kt sne..rsau ni!!lg2 MSK..aduh! conferm kne buli...waaa!!! xsnggup ar cmni..and nazrin ckp kt sne byk biawak n memerang...zoo ke tmpt study ni???and the worst thing is dy sroh aq amk memerang bwk blk ostel..ktenye soh tman tdo..wt the hell!tp xp ar..iema, ok ar..ade gak kwn kt sne...thnx cmne aq nk dduk kt sne..xde experience dok kt ostel lngsg..sume bnde xtau..rse cm bodo +bangang pon ade gak..nsb baek iema ade..tnx kwnnn..:p so, to all politeknik sultan idris shah student,wait 4 me!!!!
p/s: to k.ngah,k.long wasiatkn supaye ko mnjage blik y indh bak istana 2 baek2...hehe
hahah !! no hal la beb .. nt kte tdow sme2 ngn biawak k ?? hahah ! OMG !! istana ?? opss lupew da ad slendang kt pn2 ek ? 2 y ala2 istana sket .. hahah .. jgn nanges2 aku dtg kames nt ok ?? n sblom tlupew da dpt blek jew tros msj aku taw ! c u there !! :)
hahah !! no hal la beb .. nt kte tdow sme2 ngn biawak k ?? hahah ! OMG !! istana ?? opss lupew da ad slendang kt pn2 ek ? 2 y ala2 istana sket .. hahah .. jgn nanges2 aku dtg kames nt ok ?? n sblom tlupew da dpt blek jew tros msj aku taw ! c u there !! :)